Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Again, this is a few weeks late - oh well. :)

The night before we went to Longhorn's Steak House for dinner - soooo yummy!
Daniel got me a beautiful orchid, made me breakfast in bed and cooked dinner. And the best part was not having to change a diaper all day!

From the time I was little, I always loved babies and wanted to be a mom. I would tote around my dolls, push them around in their stroller, and even pretend to nurse them.

This is me with Baby Sarah (my favorite doll).

This is me, Kirsten, Baby Erik (and above Erik, you can see another one of my dolls).

Again with Baby Sarah (my favorite doll).

I remember when this one was taken -
my Mom was watching a friend's baby and I sat with the baby on the back deck and tried to sketch him sleeping.
This is me and Kirsten holding Baby Jonathan.
Here I am holding Baby Jacob.

I am blessed to have an amazing mom who showed me what a joy motherhood can be.

I have wonderful grandma's who were also an example to me of motherhood and womanhood. I feel so blessed to have these outstanding women in my life.

This is my Grandma Bodil bathing my mother when she was a baby.
This is MY mother bathing me when I was a baby!

Grandma Darlene holding me as a baby.
Grandma Bodil holding me.

Grandma Bodil holding Charlotte, my Mom, and Kirsten.

I LOVE being a mom. No other job or responsibility that I have had comes close to the meaningful work of motherhood. I LOVE this job! I LOVE my dear little Charlotte who made me a mother. She brings such joy and entertainment into my life, it is hard to imagine what life was like before she came into this world.

1 comment:

  1. How sweet that you were able to post YOU and your sibliings as children and your Mom as a baby compared to You and YOUR baby. Wonderful memories. I recall you and Kirsten were so nurturing to your dollies and young brothers. Just look at those faces how concerned. Nothing sweeter.
