When I moved to Huntsville our new ward wanted some information on us. As part of the things I said I was interested in I included playing the piano. This information was published in the weekly church newsletter and shortly thereafter I got the call to be the organist at the church. Never mind that I had never played the organ before in my life. They said, "Well, you can play the piano, right? You won't have any problem learning how to play the organ!" I thought, "Umm, sure... these instruments are similar, but still, VERY different!" Nevertheless, I did learn to get by on the organ. I am not great, but I think I do OK.
Also as a result of that newsletter I started getting asked if I teach piano. I said yes, and before I knew it, I had a full schedule and 8 students!
This weekend we put on the 2011 Spring Piano Recital.
I must say, it was a THRILL to listen to all my students play so well. Each was required to perform two pieces from memory. The whole performance lasted 45 minutes and then we had a reception afterwards. Strawberry shortcake, cupcakes, petit fours, lemon meringue, cookies, and hello dolly bars - it was a sugary treat invasion!
To my students - Well played! You all worked so hard preparing for this recital. Thank you for your hours of practice. You all gave a performance you can be proud of. Thank you for letting me be your teacher!
Mom and Dad, thank you for the years of piano lessons and for encouraging me to stick with it. Thank you for seeking out the best instructors and giving me a real quality music education. I LOVE that I know how to play and it is so fun to now be teaching a few students what I know.
Kirsten, thank you for your Master piano teaching tips. :) I know you have a much greater depth of knowledge than I do on the subject, but thank you for encouraging me! I know you are a fabulous teacher, I wish we lived closer so I could sit in and see how you run your lessons. I am sure I would learn a lot from you!
Alison and Phil, thank you so much for letting us hold on to your piano until Garrett is ready for it. I cannot tell you how nice it is to have a piano in our home to practice on, teach from, and to play songs for Charlotte. It has been a HUGE gift. Thank you also for watching Charlotte at least once a week so I can teach lessons. It is really nice for me to know that during that time she is having fun with her Lola and Papa. I wouldn't be teaching if it were any different. Thank you for really making this arrangement possible.
Sarah and Andy and Baby "Nana", thank you for making it to the recital. It was such a nice surprise - I cannot tell you how much it meant to me to have you there to support me. Thank you! PS - Baby Anna gets the best baby of the year award - she was so GOOD during the recital. Not a peep!
Last, but certainly not least, Daniel. Thank you for supporting me in this effort. Especially for watching Charlotte so much the day of as I ran around crazy finishing the details and preparing for the recital. Thank you for being ok with grab-n-growl dinners on the nights I teach. Thank you for listening to my teaching stories and for encouraging me to find ways to get involved in our new home. It has been such a great first year here in Huntsville!