So... I haven't blogged any since my first post (which was a year and a half ago). I am not going to apologize or pretend that anyone has been anxiously awaiting my next post. Also, I am not going to make any promises. I find blogging to be a bit stressful and with my first post I agonized over what to say (even still, I want to edit what I wrote). That being said I will try not to edit myself as much (easier said than done). The main reason I am doing this is to catalog the things we have been up to for my daughter, close friends, and family. So rather than going back in time and trying to update everything that has happened since my last post I am going to have you fast forward to present-day.
This last weekend I rowed in Chattanooga, TN at the Head of the Hooch regatta with the Rocket City Rowing Club. The last time I rowed was in high school (10 years ago) in Connecticut. I am thrilled to be involved in the sport again.

I rowed on a women's 8+ ...

And a women's 4+...

I joined RCRC back in August and I practice with them on Saturday and Sunday mornings at sunrise.
Thanks to Mom and Dad for waking up SUPER early and meeting me in Nooga to help watch Baby C since Hubby was traveling that weekend on business.
Baby C - age 15 1/2 months